teaching and learning

Explore how we can grow independent learners with understanding of how they acquire knowledge, skills and concepts.


Explore our range of online and in-person teaching and learning workshops.


Dynamic teaching and learning

How can we keep professionally evolving as teachers so that we feel inspired in our practice?

Using research to inform practice is a fantastic way to support the cultivation of this expertise. This session will explore how we can use research to help us to better understand our students and to enable us to design consistently outstanding lessons.



for learning

How do we create students who are capable, independent learners?

Drawing on current theories from behavioural and cognitive science, we will investigate pedagogies that can promote high quality teaching and learning and ensure excellent outcomes for students.


Creating powerful learning: self-efficacy, growth mindset and self-regulation

How do we ensure our students can manage their emotions so that they are ready to learn?

This workshop is designed to explore how we transform students into autonomous learners, fostering their confidence in taking ownership of their learning.


Are you looking for a workshop that isn't listed?

Our workshops can be tailored to the needs of your school or organisation. Let us know what you need and we'll take care of the rest.